This site not suitable for pets or children
Facilities and Services
Town Supply available for drinking. Two sources on site. Irrigation water supply for washing vans and other equipment i.e bikes, buckets, cassettes etc
Dump Station
Black Water dump station with attitude.
One of the most photographed stations in NZ.
Black Water only !!!!!!
Cold water washing machine. Small machine but Sadie does a ton of work. Only $3.00 per wash and free to hang on the line.
Rubbish Collection
Separate containers for glass, recyclables and general rubbish. Collection bucket for chook's dinner too.
Produce Stall
Scotta-b-good produce from our orchard and chooks is available on the stall at the entrance to the park - strawberries, cherries, apricots, plums, greengages, nectarines, peaches when in season and eggs of course.
Other Goodies
Sadie's laundry shed also has three (3) power plugs for charging ebike batteries. Smith's Gully on site is great for walking and checking out the history of goldmining in the area.